
Work Hard, Sleep Hard this Labor Day

Work Hard, Sleep Hard this Labor Day

Having mixed drinks about your feelings related to summer coming to a close this Labor Day weekend? Us too. It's hard to believe that the season of watermelon and water fights is officially on its way out.  

So, what should you do this Labor Day—besides sip on a refreshing cocktail? Take a rest.  

Pat Yourself on the Back 

Labor Day, aka the first Monday of September, was established as a national holiday for a reason. It was designated by our forefathers as the time each year to reflect on the contributions you—the working people—have made to our great nation.  

Take a Look Back 

Looking back in history, efforts to celebrate Labor Day were first organized by the Central Labor Union on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in the Big Apple. It was originally dubbed the "workingmen's holiday" and was celebrated in many industrial cities across the country beginning in 1885. It wasn't until 1894 that Congress made it a nationally recognized holiday.  

Keep Dreaming 

We've come a long way since then (hello, equality in the workplace), so let's raise a glass this Labor Day and toast to you—the worker. Chances are you won't be punching a time clock on Monday, so don't bother setting your alarm clock either. Sleep in a little longer, work on your summer tan before it's too late and keep on dreaming, America. 

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